Section Schedule
SIGN 305
Multicultural Issues
Course explores multicultural issues as related to the interpreting profession and the deaf community. Broad introduction of multiculturalism is followed by an in-depth look at the most common cultures and cultural issues interpreters encounter. Flexibility in the schedule allows for study of additional cultural groups. Guest presenters and field trips allow students to experience the richness of diverse communities and gain insight that can be applied to their interpreting and to their everyday lives.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 WilliamsL 7 / 15 Open 3.00 $115.00 CCC 33 405 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T---- 3:30p 6:20p

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